So tonight after work I needed to run a few errands....namely I needed to finally get around to buying my adorable 3-year old niece a birthday present for her party tomorrow. Naturally, the hunt for the perfect gift took me to multiple stores, which really goes against the grain of my lazy-girl ways. So to make up for the lost time and since my husband is working tonight leaving me alone for dinner, I decided to take the lazy route and pick up McDonald's on my way home. (Don't judge!) Like any normal person who has ever bought fast food, I checked the bag to make sure everything was in there before driving away. At this point it's 8 PM and I'm too hungry to wait the full 20 minutes it'll take to get about 5 minutes into my drive I channel the typical American way and unashamedly take a bite into my cheeseburger while behind the wheel. (Again, don't judge!!!) LAZY KARMA STRIKES!! I checked to make sure both cheeseburgers were in my bag before I left, but I never thought to check to make sure my cheeseburgers had meat between the buns!!! I guess that's what I get for being a nutritional lazy bum this evening. For the record, yes, I did turn around and get some non-vegetarian burgers!
Anyway, the point of my ramble-y story is that sometimes it doesn't pay to take the lazy way out. (As much as I don't care to admit it.) This blog is about my journey to overcoming laziness when necessary and other times figuring out the easy way to get things done.
This weekend I plan to take a crack at heavy-duty organizing my husband's hobby room. Stay tuned to see who wins: 'lazy me' or 'wants-this-room-to-be-presentable me.' Before and after pictures will be included!
Love that you're blogging!!